Tuesday, June 2, 2009

May 27th, 2009 "the past is the past"

Glenn, Tanja, Rachel and I were out and about, being active when we decided we wanted to smoke a joint - but somewhere special. I remembered that I had left some of my belongs behind in the cemetery near my old apartment - a fort if you will.

The four of us walked a while longer in the dark searching and then came upon my little area and squeezed in best we could. I had left the old 70's tweed rocker from Nana, my bureau from Grammy, a fancy wall shelf with a tv and a smaller bureau - all within a space smaller than most bathrooms. With our legs tucked under and our arms close we patiently waited for Glenn to prepare a toot.

Then, through the wall, Ange poked her head in. She had been walking by and heard us. She asked if the museum knew we were set-up outside on their property? I look behind her and was shocked to see that a giant building and it's inhabitants were mere meters away.

I went into an immediate state of panic - how was I going to move all my belongs? Glenn, not wanting to waste time, ran to get the car so I could begin packing. As I went through my stuff I became paranoid that everything was exposed and that it would be stolen by strangers. I was startled by someone approaching and instantly thought they were going to hurt me - turned out he was a X-YES!+ friend of Ange's, so I continued rooting for things most valuable.

The car quickly filled, yet my belongings just seemed to grow. I found so many items that I had cherished so very long ago. I opened a drawer and found a small dish full of tiny crystals - overly excited I got up to take them to the car, which was now full, with Glenn standing by looking antsy to leave. I slipped and all the tiny crystals fell through my fingers except for 3 pearly blue shell beads. Tanja calmly helped me up and I threw them in my pocket, realizing I was going to have to let the rest go.

Glenn, sweetheart that he is, ran inside to ask them if we could come back for the rest later. As I approached the stocky female monk who was shaking her head "NO", I noticed a few more YES!+ers walking by, the monk asked me if I knew what they were? I looked up eagerly asking "lizards?" - "No, they are from the future" she responded.

Then she went on to say, "Buddah says everything is the past, He is the past, the past is the past and the past is now"

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